Mandated Recyclability
All producers must shift to 100% recyclable or compostable packaging.
New Producer Fees and Circular Economy Goals
Producer fees will be set based on recyclability challenges and a variety of circular economy criteria.
Source Reduction and Recycling Rates
Certain at risk packaging and food service waste materials and formats may ultimately be banned.
Designed to help you understand the details.
The Recycling Partnership's Policy Readiness Hub is created to help companies and organizations have a core understanding of legislation, stay apprised of new information, and participate in deep-dive insight based webinars on key topics and issues.
The World's First True Circular Economy Law
The SB 54 bold new policy combines elements and lessons learned from prior EPR policies with novel pollution prevention measures. And these are supercharged by mandates like 100% recyclability or compostability, and for plastics high recycling and and source reduction rates, including minimum thresholds for reuse, refill and elimination. Unlike most EPR laws, these performance targets must be satisfied to continue to sell products in the state.